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Writer's pictureIsmat Khoja

Unlocking the Power of Physiotherapy: Your Comprehensive Guide to Back Pain Rehabilitation

You can no longer climb stairs, bend down or perform physically demanding tasks due to back pain. You either experience dull pain, or it's getting persistent, and you are now looking for a way to fix it.

Research shows that 4 out of 5 people experience low back pain at some point. But luckily, 90% of the back pain cases can be easily treated using physiotherapy.

This has proven to be a game-changer and is helping countless people find relief and return to their active lives. Also, physiotherapy is recommended to provide significant relief and prevent physical ailments down the line.

But how do you know if you need physiotherapy? What if you are dealing with a severe issue causing back pain? If you have these questions, keep reading this article to find a proper explanation of back pain, its risk factors, and how physiotherapy helps treat lower back pain.

Types of Back Pain, Causes, and Risk Factors:

Back pain can be categorized into three main types

● Acute back pain occurs suddenly and usually lasts a few days to a few weeks.

● Subacute back pain occurs suddenly and lasts from 4 to 12 weeks.

● Chronic back pain may come either slowly or quickly, last longer than 12 weeks, and occur daily.

Back pain causes:

Some common causes of lower back pain are straining too much and issues with back structures.


Strained muscles in your back can cause back pain. But you must note that strain occurs when you lift heavy objects, have sudden awkward movements, or are overactive.

Structure problems:

Your vertebrae consist of stackable bones forming your spine, and they are held together by discs. Disc injuries are the leading cause of back problems.



Symptoms of back pain:

Back pain can start as a simple local pain in a particular spot and spread all over the back. Sometimes, the pain can radiate from the back to other areas of your body. Based on the type, cause, and location of your back pain, you may experience:

❖ Increased pain when lifting and bending

❖ You feel numbness or weakness in your feet or legs

❖ Back pain that occurs periodically and goes

❖ Experience worsening pain when sitting, resting, or standing.

❖ Stiffness when waking in the morning and lessened back pain with activity

❖ Back pain that radiates away from the back into the buttocks, leg, or hip

Common risk factors for developing back pain:

You have the following risk factors if you are

● Aged

● Work in an inactive environment

● Don't exercise

● Smoke

● Dealing with obesity

● Indulge in high-impact activities without stretching or warming up first

● Have you been diagnosed with special conditions like arthritis?

Remember that even mental health can affect your back. If you have a stressful job or are battling depression and anxiety, you are at higher risk of back pain.

Why Do You Need Physiotherapy for Back Pain?

Physiotherapy, also called physical therapy, combines hands-on care, exercises, advice, and education. It also uses techniques, including shockwave therapy and acupuncture. This is often carried out by a health professional called a physiotherapist.

Is it worth going to physiotherapy? It's a big yes, as it helps build up muscle strength and improves flexibility and mobility. In particular, if you are dealing with pain and function, physiotherapy greatly helps.

How Does Physiotherapy Help You Recover from Lower Back Pain?


This is one of the most common questions asked by individuals suffering from back pain.

Yes, physiotherapists and doctors team up to use special exercises to help people with back pain get better. These exercises give a lot of help to the patients without costing too much. It is often combined with medication (if required) to offer patients significant pain relief for lower back pain. However, these exercises can be just as good or even better at making your back feel better.

Also, it's a holistic approach that helps in correcting the conditions with the aid of physical activity in patients who find it challenging to heal via normal means.

The interesting part is that it can get rid of back pain and even prevent surgical treatment.

How does physiotherapy effectively help in treating lower back pain? It involves spinal manipulation, low-impact exercises, corrective lifestyle changes to avoid further injury to muscles and soft tissues, manual therapy, and many other techniques for prolonged pain relief. This is why physiotherapy for back pain rehabilitation is recommended.

How Do Physiotherapists Identify the Root Causes of Back Pain?

When a patient comes to a physiotherapist with back pain, the first thing the therapist does is try to figure out what the root cause of the pain is. They use guidelines to check and confirm whether it shows signs of something serious like a fracture, cancer, infection, or specific issues like nerve problems.

Only about 1–2% of back pain cases come with serious issues, whereas 5–10% are diagnosed with nerve problems.

Besides these rare cases, most of the time, back pain doesn't have a specific cause like this. It's "non-specific" back pain, which means we can't pinpoint one exact reason for the pain. This type of back pain is the most common, making up more than 90% of cases people bring to primary care doctors and physiotherapists.

So, the first step for the physiotherapist is to rule out the serious and specific causes, and if those are not the issue, then it's considered non-specific back pain.

Techniques Used for Treating Upper Left Back Pain or Lower Back Pain

Physiotherapy Exercises

These exercises greatly contribute to improving your fitness, flexibility, strength, and mobility, they include

1. Stretching exercises that improve joint movement and flexibility You may do these exercises and stretches either by yourself or with the physiotherapist's help.

2. Muscle-strengthening exercises help support joints, reduce pain, and restore function. Strength exercises might use your own body weight or include resistance training with items such as stretchy bands and weights.

3. Balance and coordination exercises challenge balance and muscle coordination, maintaining overall function.

Looking for the best treatment for physiotherapy in India? Your search ends here at DAACTARNI

Heat and ice therapy

Ice can help reduce swelling and inflammation in your lower back, while applying heat can help relax tight muscles. When these two methods are combined, it can be really helpful for relieving pain.


Do you know why ultrasound treats lower back pain next to exercises?

This therapy involves using special sound waves to go through your skin and create a warm sensation. This can help relax your muscles and encourage your body's natural healing processes.

TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation)

TENS uses a gentle electrical current to ease lower back pain and improve how well you can move. It's safe and works by "distracting" your brain from feeling the pain signals. This can provide effective and lasting relief from pain.


This 2500-year-old technique that originated in China helps lower chronic lower back pain.


A massage done by a physiotherapist involves using their hands to put pressure on different parts of your body. They might use techniques like stroking, kneading, pressing, or tapping on your skin to work on the muscles and soft tissues underneath.

Massage can do a few things to help with back pain, such as:

● It can make it easier for you to move by loosening up those tight muscles.

● Reduce the pain and any swelling you might have.

For the best physiotherapy treatment in the UAE, look no further! Book your appointment with DAACTARNI's expert care.

When Should You See a Physiotherapist for Back Pain?

Here are 5 signs that indicate you need physiotherapy for your back pain ASAP.

1. If you aren't moving as easily as you used to due to back pain, get consulted by a physiotherapist and get a proper diagnosis and treatment.

2. You experience radiating pain, tingling, or numbness in your arms and legs due to a neurological issue. Because a physiotherapist can detect what might be causing

3. Back pain that disrupts your good night's sleep is also a sign to visit a physiotherapist.

4. Sometimes, back pain might play hide and seek with you. You may experience the pain for a short time. But if it lasts longer than a week or two, Get consulted.

5. The fact that you can't do regular tasks due to back pain is also an indication to see the best physiotherapist to get you back to everyday life again.

Lifestyle and Preventive Measures:

Some practical ways to prevent back pain are:

Avoid carrying heavy weights

You add unnecessary stress, and strain your neck and spine while lifting and carrying heavy briefcases, suitcases, etc. If you already have back pain issues, be mindful and carry less.

Work your core

Your core muscles located in your abdomen and back keep you upright. So powering and strengthening them through your daily activities can reduce the chances of pain, staining, or damage to your back.

Good posture is important

Slouching or hunching your spine can cause discomfort and potential damage over time.

Roll your shoulders back and sit up straight in your chair while reading this article; your back will thank you!

Make sure to stretch regularly

Did you know that repeating the same activities every day can make your muscles tired, leading to injury? If you stretch often can improve blood flow in your muscles and decrease back pain and injuries.

Change shoes

High-heeled shoes often cause back problems. It's not that you don't have to wear heels but wear them on occasion. Avoid it, if you have back pain. Instead, opt for comfy, supportive, and lower-heeled shoes whenever you can.

As you already know physiotherapy involves multiple sessions as there is no point in rushing the cure for an injury. However, today advances in technology cut the need to go to physiotherapy centers for treatment.

Instead, get a video physiotherapy consultation and heal better from the comfort of your home.


Are you struggling with continuous back pain that stops you from doing daily activities? Take the first step towards a back-pain-free, healthier you with DAACTARANI.

We are a team of expert physiotherapists who can support you in achieving your best physical health and overall wellness.

Whether you are recovering from an injury, managing a chronic condition, or looking to improve your mobility and well-being, we are here to provide personalized care tailored to your unique needs.

We provide physiotherapy treatments, including active rehabilitation exercise therapy, post-surgery rehab, and more.

We also provide online physiotherapy in India and the UAE. Don't let your back pain hold you from being normal any longer. Book an appointment with us.


If you want to wake up without that nagging back pain that's been bothering you for so long, physiotherapy can be the best option. We hope that this article provides you with all the information on how physiotherapy helps in treating back pain. Do follow the lifestyle changes and preventive measures suggested for a healthy life.


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